Bank of Japan (BoJ)
The Bank of Japan (often called by the English name, Bank of
Japan, or BoJ) is the Japanese central bank headquartered in Nihonbashi,
BoJ is born after the Meiji Restoration (the change of the social
structure and political Japanese in the second half of the 800 gave back
the power to the emperor, after centuries of domination shogun). In 1871, the Meiji Act eliminated the currency in circulation until
then, finally setting up the circulation of the Japanese Yen.Mandate
According to the statutes of the mandate of the Bank of Japan it will establish the power to:
Decision and implementation of monetary policy, independent of the government.
Issuance and management of money.
Promotion and implementation of policies aimed at the stability of the financial system
Treasury activities, safety and the like.
International financial activities.
Compilation of data, economic analyzes and related research activities.
The Governor of the BoJ
The new governor of the Bank of Japan, at the end of February and appointed successor of Masaaki Shirakawa is Haruhiko Kuroda.
In early spring 2013, the Bank of Japan is in the world spotlight for
having initiated a monetary easing that has been defined by many
purpose of this plan is a series of asset purchase, is the expansion of
the monetary base of the Bank and the fight against deflation for years
oppresses the Japanese economy.
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